Friday, 16 September 2011


the overview of the President Sidy 's office
SIDY has started working since he was transferred the title of boss of FIF on tuesday 14th september 2011.some tribute were paid to him the employees of ivosep on wednesday either before tasting his office harmchair yesterday in order to run the first meeting of his board. soberly dressed the newly elected president of ivorian football association  joined  his office at fif headquater as president for the second time . Pas de protocole exceptionnel pour la circonstance.the protocole was not much more needed as he made work easilly around him .there many reasons to think that the man coming after the former but last president anouma really integreted the federation's environement  perfectly for he spent about 15 years as head of national teams . his presence was secured by few guards that visitors could see in the yard of fif , meanwhile the parking was glitterring with many  luxuous 4x4 vehicules .that was the indicator of his huge presence of the new boss of FIF .the all and the stair of the headquater of fif experienced also the warm activities of people fired by the desire of serving the new boss as there may well be some changing blowing in the air .MR Kablan Desire the former protocole of anouma shew his availability by linking the rooms and putting things right as the protocole of sidy .the president sidy 's office is located on the 3rd floor of the building .In that huge rooms air conditionned,  Sidy Diallo received some people who paid visit to him among them was the Director of a local newpaper named DIABY Marcelin  .he congratulated The President Sidy on his brillant election on saturday 10th september 2011.they all talked about the bright future of ivorian football before closing the daytime by his endless prayers to the lord so he only could lead him during his mandate as he did when giving him realm of our football 

by Martial GALE and 
translated by sportpreneurship network translation office

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